Stat |
Rank |
Date |
Comment |
1:03:81 |
13/227 |
11-11-23 |
12/226 |
08-11-22 |
11/223 |
02-18-20 |
10/222 |
07-15-19 |
9/221 |
08-02-18 |
8/216 |
10-14-17 |
7/215 |
08-18-17 |
6/214 |
07-23-17 |
1:12:65 |
6/70 |
11-12-06 |
5/69 |
12-24-06 |
1:03:81 |
5/208 |
08-26-16 |
1:12:65 |
5/70 |
12-24-06 |
1:03:81 |
5/208 |
08-30-16 |
1:12:65 |
5/70 |
12-24-06 |
1:03:81 |
5/209 |
08-30-16 |
1:11:81 |
5/70 |
12-24-06 |
1:12:65 |
5/68 |
10-20-06 |
1:03:81 |
5/210 |
09-11-16 |
1:11:33 |
5/70 |
12-24-06 |
1:12:65 |
5/68 |
10-21-06 |
1:03:81 |
5/210 |
12-31-16 |
1:11:33 |
5/70 |
12-24-06 |
1:12:68 |
5/66 |
10-12-06 |
1:12:65 |
5/68 |
10-22-06 |
1:03:81 |
5/211 |
01-19-17 |
1:11:33 |
5/70 |
12-24-06 |
1:12:68 |
5/67 |
10-14-06 |
1:12:65 |
5/68 |
10-22-06 |
1:03:81 |
5/211 |
01-27-17 |
1:12:65 |
5/69 |
12-24-06 |
1:03:81 |
5/213 |
05-30-17 |
1:12:65 |
5/67 |
10-15-06 |
1:03:81 |
5/211 |
03-04-17 |
4/188 |
12-03-14 |
1:10:35 |
4/70 |
12-25-06 |
1:03:81 |
4/181 |
05-28-14 |
1:07:20 |
4/80 |
04-22-07 |
4/84 |
08-09-07 | |
1:03:81 |
4/183 |
07-10-14 |
4/83 |
07-09-07 | |
1:05:76 |
4/86 |
08-15-07 |
1:03:81 |
4/197 |
05-13-15 |
1:10:35 |
4/71 |
12-25-06 |
1:03:81 |
4/182 |
05-30-14 |
1:07:03 |
4/80 |
04-29-07 |
4/85 |
08-09-07 | |
1:03:81 |
4/182 |
07-26-14 |
4/83 |
08-05-07 | |
1:05:76 |
4/87 |
08-15-07 |
1:03:81 |
4/197 |
05-17-15 |
1:10:35 |
4/71 |
12-25-06 |
1:03:81 |
4/182 |
06-01-14 |
4/85 |
08-12-07 | |
1:03:81 |
4/183 |
07-29-14 |
1:05:76 |
4/87 |
08-15-07 |
1:03:81 |
4/197 |
05-29-15 |
1:05:76 |
4/87 |
08-26-07 |
1:03:81 |
4/188 |
12-03-14 |
1:07:20 |
4/80 |
04-17-07 |
1:03:81 |
4/190 |
12-30-14 |
1:10:35 |
4/71 |
12-25-06 |
1:03:81 |
4/182 |
06-06-14 |
4/86 |
08-12-07 | |
1:03:81 |
4/184 |
08-16-14 |
1:05:76 |
4/87 |
08-31-07 |
1:08:58 |
4/77 |
03-13-07 |
1:03:81 |
4/188 |
12-03-14 |
1:07:20 |
4/80 |
04-20-07 |
1:03:81 |
4/183 |
06-19-14 |
1:07:20 |
4/80 |
04-20-07 |
1:03:81 |
4/182 |
06-23-14 |
1:07:20 |
4/80 |
04-20-07 |
4/84 |
08-08-07 | |
1:03:81 |
4/182 |
06-24-14 |
1:10:75 |
4/70 |
12-25-06 |
1:03:81 |
4/180 |
05-28-14 |
1:07:20 |
4/80 |
04-22-07 |
4/84 |
08-09-07 | |
1:03:81 |
4/183 |
07-08-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:07:20 |
3/78 |
04-11-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:03:81 |
3/174 |
01-02-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:03:81 |
3/176 |
02-15-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/77 |
03-07-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/74 |
01-31-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-05-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/72 |
01-02-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/77 |
03-09-07 |
1:07:20 |
3/79 |
04-13-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:03:81 |
3/174 |
01-10-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:03:81 |
3/176 |
02-16-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/74 |
01-31-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-06-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
3/71 |
12-28-06 |
I have to master the Act 3 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-24-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/72 |
01-02-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/77 |
03-10-07 |
1:07:20 |
3/80 |
04-17-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
3/80 |
04-30-07 | |
1:03:81 |
3/172 |
09-29-13 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:03:81 |
3/175 |
01-12-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:03:81 |
3/177 |
02-20-14 |
1:08:85 |
3/72 |
01-02-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/74 |
01-31-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-06-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
3/71 |
12-29-06 |
I have to master the Act 3 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
1:03:81 |
3/177 |
02-21-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/77 |
03-10-07 |
3/80 |
05-04-07 | |
1:03:81 |
3/173 |
11-14-13 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:03:81 |
3/176 |
01-27-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/72 |
01-08-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-04-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-07-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/71 |
12-31-06 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
3/71 |
12-26-06 |
I have to master the Act 3 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
3/80 |
05-04-07 | |
1:03:81 |
3/173 |
11-27-13 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
3/83 |
07-02-07 | |
1:03:81 |
3/176 |
01-28-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/72 |
01-08-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-04-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-07-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/71 |
01-02-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
3/87 |
09-06-07 |
Act 3 56.06 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
3/71 |
12-26-06 |
I have to master the Act 3 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
3/80 |
05-12-07 | |
1:03:81 |
3/174 |
12-06-13 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
3/83 |
07-04-07 | |
1:03:81 |
3/176 |
01-30-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
03-05-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/72 |
01-08-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-04-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/72 |
01-02-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
3/71 |
12-26-06 |
I have to master the Act 3 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
3/81 |
05-20-07 | |
1:03:81 |
3/174 |
12-08-13 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
3/83 |
07-04-07 | |
1:03:81 |
3/176 |
01-31-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
03-05-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/73 |
01-09-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-04-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/72 |
01-02-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
1:03:81 |
3/174 |
12-15-13 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-26-07 |
3/83 |
07-04-07 | |
1:03:81 |
3/176 |
02-11-14 |
1:08:58 |
3/77 |
03-07-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/74 |
01-31-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/76 |
02-25-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/75 |
02-04-07 |
1:08:58 |
3/75 |
02-26-07 |
1:08:85 |
3/72 |
01-02-07 |
2/87 |
09-06-07 |
Argh!! |
1:03:81 |
2/172 |
09-29-13 |
2/81 |
05-29-07 | |
1:03:81 |
2/153 |
06-21-12 |
2/87 |
09-06-07 |
Argh!! |
1:03:81 |
2/172 |
09-29-13 |
2/82 |
06-04-07 | |
1:03:81 |
2/154 |
06-27-12 |
2/87 |
09-07-07 |
Argh!! |
2/82 |
06-08-07 | |
2/99 |
08-23-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
2/155 |
07-07-12 |
2/87 |
09-19-07 |
Argh!! |
2/83 |
06-18-07 | |
1:03:81 |
2/164 |
11-24-12 |
2/87 |
09-19-07 |
Argh!! |
1:03:81 |
2/165 |
04-10-13 |
1:07:20 |
2/77 |
04-06-07 |
2/86 |
09-21-07 |
Argh!! |
1:03:81 |
2/165 |
04-13-13 |
2/87 |
09-06-07 |
Act 3 55.90 |
1:07:20 |
2/77 |
04-07-07 |
1:03:81 |
2/172 |
09-19-13 |
2/87 |
09-06-07 |
Act 3 55.43 |
1:07:20 |
2/78 |
04-11-07 |
1:03:81 |
2/172 |
09-19-13 |
2/81 |
05-21-07 | |
2/90 |
12-07-07 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
2/153 |
06-10-12 |
1/101 |
08-26-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/86 |
10-03-07 |
No restarts!! |
1/94 |
03-22-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/134 |
03-13-11 |
1/90 |
12-19-07 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/86 |
10-03-07 |
No restarts!! |
1/93 |
03-29-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/134 |
03-21-11 |
1/90 |
12-21-07 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/87 |
10-06-07 |
No restarts!! |
1/94 |
04-13-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/119 |
11-24-09 |
1/90 |
12-22-07 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/87 |
10-08-07 |
PWNED (28.26 Act2) |
1/94 |
04-16-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/120 |
11-25-09 |
1/116 |
08-09-09 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/87 |
10-08-07 |
PWNED (28.26 Act2) |
1/94 |
04-16-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/120 |
11-25-09 |
1/100 |
08-25-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/120 |
11-26-09 |
1/101 |
08-25-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/86 |
09-29-07 |
It's 6:49 AM here lol. Also Paragod you're awesome. |
1/95 |
02-16-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/127 |
08-23-10 |
1/101 |
08-25-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/86 |
09-29-07 |
No restarts!! |
1/95 |
03-08-08 |
no restarts, but I wasted around half second on Act3 (Act2 was 28.05) |
1/127 |
08-23-10 |